"Single Ladies" 2011


Single Ladies is an American comedy-drama television series on VH1 that debuted on May 30, 2011, as a two-hour television film. Created by Stacy A. Littlejohn and produced by Queen Latifah's Flavor Unit Entertainment, the series chronicles the lives of three friends — Val, Keisha and April — and their relationships.

LisaRaye McCoy
LisaRaye McCoy
Keisha Green 
Travis Winfrey
Travis Winfrey
Omar Kears 
LeToya Luckett
LeToya Luckett
Felicia Price 
Charity Shea
Charity Shea
April Goldberg 
Damien Dante Wayans
Damien Dante Wayans
David Berenger 
Harold 'House' Moore
Harold 'House' Moore
Terrence Franks