Second Chances is an American television series created and written by producers Bernard Lechowick and Lynn Marie Latham. The series premiered December 2, 1993, on CBS. Its cast includes Jennifer Lopez, Connie Sellecca, Megan Follows, Michelle Phillips, and Matt Salinger. The two-hour pilot episode was directed by Sharron Miller. The series last episode ran on February 10, 1994 as part of CBS's Crimetime After Primetime. This show marked a reunion, however short-lived, between actors Ronny Cox and Frances Lee McCain, who last worked together on the series Apple's Way in the mid-1970s. Produced a spin-off, Hotel Malibu.

Jennifer Lopez Jennifer Lopez
Melinda Lopez 
Ronny Cox Ronny Cox
George Cook 
Megan Follows Megan Follows
Kate Benedict 
Frances Lee McCain Frances Lee McCain
Felicity Cook 
Michelle Phillips Michelle Phillips
Joanna Russell 
Matt Salinger Matt Salinger
Mike Chulack 
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