In the fictional small town of Avonlea, Prince Edward Island, in the early 20th century, 10-year-old Montreal heiress Sara Stanley is sent by her wealthy father to live with her two maiden aunts, Hetty and Olivia King, to be near her late mother's side of the family.

Tagline: Friendship, Mystery and Mischief.
Sarah Polley Sarah Polley
Sara Stanley 
Jackie Burroughs Jackie Burroughs
Hetty King 
Kyle Labine Kyle Labine
Davey Keith 
Gema Zamprogna Gema Zamprogna
Felicty King 
Zachary Bennett Zachary Bennett
Felix King 
Marilyn Lightstone Marilyn Lightstone
Muriel Stacey 
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Also known as:
  • Avonlea
  • Avonlea - Das Mädchen aus der Stadt
  • Váratlan utazás
  • Σάρα, περιπέτειες στο Άβονλι