Rebel Highway was a short-lived revival of American International Pictures created and produced by Lou Arkoff, the son of Samuel Z. Arkoff and Debra Hill for the Showtime channel in 1994. The concept was 10-week series of 1950s "drive-in classic" B-movies remade "with a '90s edge". The impetus for the series, according to Arkoff was, "what it would be like if you made Rebel Without a Cause today. It would be more lurid, sexier, and much more dangerous, and you definitely would have had Natalie Wood's top off".

Directed by: Robert Rodriguez & Ralph Bakshi & Joe Dante & William Friedkin & Mary Lambert & Uli Edel & John McNaughton & John Milius & Jonathan Kaplan & Allan Arkush
Renée Zellweger Renée Zellweger
Matt LeBlanc Matt LeBlanc
Carla Gugino Carla Gugino
Leann Morris 
Jared Leto Jared Leto
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