Peppa Pig is an energetic piggy who lives with Mummy, Daddy, and little brother George. She loves to jump in mud puddles and make loud snorting noises.
John Sparkes
Narrator (voice)
Narrator (voice)
Amelie Bea Smith
Peppa Pig (voice)
Peppa Pig (voice)
Morwenna Banks
Mummy Pig (voice)
Mummy Pig (voice)
Richard Ridings
Daddy Pig (voice)
Daddy Pig (voice)
Kira Monteith
George Pig (voice)
George Pig (voice)
Alice May
George Pig (voice)
George Pig (voice)
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Blu-rays, DVDs & more eBay affliate link Art of the Movies Buy posters on We may receive a small commission if you buy via on of these links.
Also known as:
- Peppa Gris
- Peppa Praščić
- Pipsa Possu
- Prasátko Pepina
- Pujsa Pepa
- החזירה פפה
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