"Overturn" 2011


Christopher Gabriel suffers from constant terrifying nightmares. These dreams have been coming since childhood, and all his life Christopher tries to understand this disease, but no doctors or books give answers. Suddenly, an unknown group of people from different countries kidnap him and conduct a number of strange and cruel experiments. At first, it looks like one of his nightmares has come true, but gradually, he begins to realize that they know something important about him. Christopher also feels that something changes in him and suspects that he is not an ordinary guy. His dreams are the key to the answer.

Directed by: John Deryl & Helene Wang
Written by: John Deryl
Release date: 2011-02-16
Tagline: Solve the puzzle
Ivan Doan
Ivan Doan
John Deryl
John Deryl
Christopher Gabriel 
Bill Konstantinidis
Bill Konstantinidis
William Higgins 
Mary Mellow
Mary Mellow
Eric Ross Gilliatt
Eric Ross Gilliatt
The Judge 
Konstantin Gerasimuk
Konstantin Gerasimuk
The Servant