In Notsu, Oita Prefecture, there are many people with supernatural powers. High school student Yoshio Kamogawa (Shota Sometani) is one of them and can read other people's minds. Yoshio uses his powers for trivial reasons.
Shota Sometani
Yoshiro Kamogawa
Yoshiro Kamogawa
Miyuki Hirano
Miyuki Hirano
Erina Mano
Sae Asami
Sae Asami
Ken Yasuda
Takahiro Asami
Takahiro Asami
Megumi Kagurazaka
Takako Akiyama
Takako Akiyama
Makita Sports
Terumitsu Nagano
Terumitsu Nagano
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Also known as:
- All Esper Dayo
- 모두! 초능력자야!