Rishe, the duke’s daughter, is no stranger to reincarnation—it’s her seventh life, after all. Each life restarts at her broken engagement. Having been a merchant, a maid, and a knight, she now desires leisure. But her world changes when a prince, who killed her in a past life, proposes! To prevent war and live to a ripe old age, she begins her seventh life as the bride of an enemy nation’s prince.

Ikumi Hasegawa Ikumi Hasegawa
Rishe Imgard Wertsner (voice) 
Nobunaga Shimazaki Nobunaga Shimazaki
Arnold Hein (voice) 
Shunichi Toki Shunichi Toki
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Also known as:
  • 7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy!
  • 7ème boucle temporelle - La méchante jouit d'une vie insouciante en étant mariée à son pire ennemi !
  • 7th-timeloop
  • 루프 7번째의 악영 영애는, 전 적국에서 제멋대로인 신부 생활을 만끽한다
  • 7.º Ciclo Temporal
  • Сьома петля часу: Лиходійка насолоджується безтурботним життям у шлюбі зі своїм найлютішим ворогом!