Rishe, the duke’s daughter, is no stranger to reincarnation—it’s her seventh life, after all. Each life restarts at her broken engagement. Having been a merchant, a maid, and a knight, she now desires leisure. But her world changes when a prince, who killed her in a past life, proposes! To prevent war and live to a ripe old age, she begins her seventh life as the bride of an enemy nation’s prince.
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Also known as:
- 7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy!
- 7ème boucle temporelle - La méchante jouit d'une vie insouciante en étant mariée à son pire ennemi !
- 7th-timeloop
- 루프 7번째의 악영 영애는, 전 적국에서 제멋대로인 신부 생활을 만끽한다
- 7.º Ciclo Temporal
- Сьома петля часу: Лиходійка насолоджується безтурботним життям у шлюбі зі своїм найлютішим ворогом!