Lil' Bush cracks satirical jokes at the Bush administration. The show depicts the administration members as pint-size cartoon characters. The title character is accompanied by Lil' Cheney and Lil' Condi.
Iggy Pop
Lil' Rummy (voice)
Lil' Rummy (voice)
Kari Wahlgren
Li'l Condi / Li'l Hillary (voice)
Li'l Condi / Li'l Hillary (voice)
Dave B. Mitchell
George Sr. / Jeb Bush / ... (voice)
George Sr. / Jeb Bush / ... (voice)
Christopher Lee Parson
Lil' George (voice)
Lil' George (voice)
Donick Cary
Lil' Cheney (voice)
Lil' Cheney (voice)
Ann Villella
Lil' Condi (voice)
Lil' Condi (voice)
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