Welcome to Yamauchi, a world inhabited by the Yatagarasu, a race of three-legged ravens who shapeshift into humans. The land is divided into four regions—North, South, East, and West—each ruled by a noble family. Yukiya, the son of a leader in the North, is shocked by a call to attend to the Imperial Prince. Murder, mysteries, and an invasion from an unexpected enemy await in this epic fantasy.
Mutsumi Tamura
Yukiya (voice)
Yukiya (voice)
Miyu Irino
Imperial Prince (voice)
Imperial Prince (voice)
Rina Honnizumi
Asebi (voice)
Asebi (voice)
Hiroki Nanami
Hamayū (voice)
Hamayū (voice)
Ayaka Fukuhara
Masuho no Susuki (voice)
Masuho no Susuki (voice)
Rie Kugimiya
Shiratama (voice)
Shiratama (voice)
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Also known as:
- Prince Without a Servant: The Chronicle of Yatagarasu
- The Crow Does Not Choose the Lord
- YATAGARASU: The Raven Does Not Choose Its Master
- 八咫烏シリーズ