"Gaano Kadalas Ang Minsan?" or Love Me Again is a Philippine drama on GMA Network, and the ninth installment of Sine Novela. The original movie was released back in 1982. From June 30, 2008 until November 14, 2008, the series was aired with a one-week delay on GMA Pinoy TV worldwide.

Directed by: Gil Tejada Jr.
Written by: Don Michael Perez & Des Garbes-Severino
Marvin Agustin Marvin Agustin
Louis Antonio "Louie" Almeda 
Camille Prats Camille Prats
Lily Medrano/Cervantes 
Sandy Andolong Sandy Andolong
Gloria Cervantes 
Biboy Ramirez Biboy Ramirez
Eric Paterno 
Diana Zubiri Diana Zubiri
Elsa Cervantes-Almeda 
Andrea Del Rosario Andrea Del Rosario
Margarita Mendoza 
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Also known as:
  • Gaano Kadalas Ang Minsan?