Chicago Hope is an American medical drama television series, created by David E. Kelley. It ran on CBS from September 18, 1994, to May 4, 2000. The series is set in a fictional private charity hospital in Chicago, Illinois. The show is set to return in the fall of 2013 on TVGN in reruns.

Carla Gugino Carla Gugino
Gina Simon 
Mark Harmon Mark Harmon
Jack McNeil 
Lauren Holly Lauren Holly
Jeremy Hanlon 
Hector Elizondo Hector Elizondo
Phillip Watters 
Barbara Hershey Barbara Hershey
Francesca Alberghetti 
Mandy Patinkin Mandy Patinkin
Jeffrey Geiger 
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Also known as:
  • Chicago Hope : La Vie à tout prix
  • L'Hôpital Chicago Hope
  • La Vie à tout prix