Set against the backdrop of massive economic growth in the 1990s, the story follows A Bao, a self-made millionaire and his journey from being a young opportunist with a troubled past to accumulating dazzling wealth in the city of Shanghai. It also follows his entanglement with four women who represent the pursuits of his life: adventure, honour, love and innocence.
Directed by: | Wong Kar-Wai |
Written by: | Qin Wen |
Release date: | 2021-01-01 |
Hu Ge
A Bao
A Bao
Ma Yili
Ling Zi
Ling Zi
Tang Yan
Wang Mingzhu
Wang Mingzhu
Xin Zhilei
Li Li
Li Li
Ryan Zheng Kai
Mr. Wei
Mr. Wei
You Benchang
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Also known as:
- Blossoms Shanghai
- Расцвет
- Цветение