Three anthropomorphic mice motorcyclists named Throttle, Modo, and Vinnie escape a war on their home planet Mars before arriving to defend the Earth from the evil that destroyed their homeland and to one day return to Mars.
Rob Paulsen
Throttle (voice)
Throttle (voice)
Dorian Harewood
Modo (voice)
Modo (voice)
Brad Garrett
Greasepit (voice)
Greasepit (voice)
Susan Silo
Dr. Karbunkle (voice)
Dr. Karbunkle (voice)
William Morgan Sheppard
Lawrence Limburger (voice)
Lawrence Limburger (voice)
Mark Hamill
Pierre Fluffbottom / L'Ectromag (voice)
Pierre Fluffbottom / L'Ectromag (voice)
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Also known as:
- Os Moto-Ratos de Marte