"Big Lake" 2010


Big Lake is an American comedy television series on Comedy Central that debuted on August 17, 2010, and ran for one season. The series was picked up using a similar model as Tyler Perry's House of Payne and Meet The Browns with an initial 10 episode order by Comedy Central, with an option to pick up the series for an additional 90 episodes, to have 100 episodes available for syndication. The deal was not picked up after Comedy Central passed on a second season.

James Rebhorn
James Rebhorn
Carl Franklin 
Deborah Rush
Deborah Rush
Linda Franklin 
Chris Gethard
Chris Gethard
Josh Franklin 
Dylan Blue
Dylan Blue
Jeremy Franklin 
Horatio Sanz
Horatio Sanz
Glenn Cordoba 
Chris Parnell
Chris Parnell
Chris Henkel