This sociocritical film series in 4 parts is a follow-up to the Alpensaga and depicts the economic and cultural development in Austria after the war. Individual films focus on the themes of individualization and the rise of consume culture as well as the political shift of the dominating social democratic forces from a blue-collar party to more market oriented policies.
Directed by: | Dieter Berner |
Release date: | 1990-05-01 |
Helmut Berger
Karl Blaha
Karl Blaha
Dominic Raacke
Fritz Anders
Fritz Anders
Hans Brenner
Franz Prießnitz
Franz Prießnitz
Barbara Auer
Maca Daracs
Maca Daracs
Fritz Karl
Nikolaus Paryla
Kurt Höllermoser
Kurt Höllermoser
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Blu-rays, DVDs & more eBay affliate link Art of the Movies Buy posters on We may receive a small commission if you buy via on of these links.