Add a Friend is a German comedy-drama created and written by Sebastian Wehlings and Christian Lyra for TNT Serie. The series follows a group of people and their lives in the social network. This is the first German production produced exclusively for premium television. A first season consisting of ten episodes were ordered. Add a Friend is set to premiere on September 19, 2012, on Wednesday nights at 8:15 pm.
Directed by: | Ulli Baumann |
Ken Duken
Felix Wagner
Felix Wagner
Friedrich Mücke
Tom Schrader
Tom Schrader
Gisela Schneeberger
Gisela Wagner
Gisela Wagner
Dietrich Hollinderbäumer
Gerd Wagner
Gerd Wagner
Emilia Schüle
Vanessa Jo
Vanessa Jo
Friederike Kempter
Julia Winter
Julia Winter
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