Critics score:
71 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

J. R. Jones, Chicago Reader: With its scenes of mass destruction in Tokyo and its climactic mushroom cloud, the movie owes a psychic debt to the atomic-monster movies of the 50s and 60s, but its overriding tone is one of endless, giddy invention. Read more

Wesley Morris, Boston Globe: ... Miike's epic undertaking is probably best appreciated as the first stab at a live-action version of a Hayao Miyazaki ecologically minded extravaganza like Princess Mononoke. Read more

Bill Stamets, Chicago Sun-Times: This noisy, effects-crazed PG-13 adventure might work for 10 year-olds who are beyond Nickelodeon piffle and ready for Japanese splatter. Read more

Jay Weissberg, Variety: Odd blend of the truly cheesy with a few genuine f/x makes for a cutesy if not exactly thrilling spectacle. Read more

Michael Atkinson, Village Voice: The film makes no more or less sense than Ridley Scott's Legend or Jim Henson's Labyrinth, and in fact has a creaky, blue-gel '80s-ness to it, but for many, keeping up with Miike's cranked output is an end in itself. Read more