The gentle Spanish comedy Yo soy Fulana de Tal (1975) tells the story of a prostitute who rises from the poor side of town to become a revered member of the community. Along the way she befriends an elderly paternalist artist and also gets her revenge on those who mistreated her in her youth.

Directed by: Pedro Lazaga Sabater
Written by: José María Palacio
Release date: 1975-10-31
Runtime: 94 minutes
Francisco Algora Francisco Algora
Pilar Bardem Pilar Bardem
Doña Rosa 
Fernando Fernán Gómez Fernando Fernán Gómez
Rodolfo Pellejo 
Concha Velasco Concha Velasco
Mapi Sánchez 
Antonio Ferrandis Antonio Ferrandis
Dean Selmier Dean Selmier