In France, during the Second World War, journalist Paul Roy is a member of the Resistance, while his colleague and friend Jacques Médina is a collaborator. But it's thanks to Jacques that Paul is able to remain free, as he shelters him in his home after a roundup. The two friends co-wrote various Nazi propaganda articles, which appeared under Jacques' byline. The situation becomes complicated when Paul becomes the lover of Jacques' wife.

Directed by: Frédéric Dard
Written by: Frédéric Dard
Runtime: 91 minutes
Paul Guers Paul Guers
Paul Roy 
Howard Vernon Howard Vernon
Claire Maurier Claire Maurier
Claire Médina-Etiévant 
Jacques Duby Jacques Duby
Jacques Médina 
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Also known as:
  • Rendezvous
  • Gestapo contre X