In the late 1980s, Rose moves from the Ivory Coast to the Paris suburbs with her two young sons, Ernest and Jean. Spanning 20 years from their arrival in France to the present day, the film is the moving chronicle of the construction and deconstruction of a family.
Directed by: | Léonor Serraille |
Written by: | Léonor Serraille |
Release date: | 2022-11-25 |
Runtime: | 116 minutes |
Annabelle Lengronne
Stéphane Bak
Jean (age 19)
Jean (age 19)
Kenzo Sambin
Ernest (age 13)
Ernest (age 13)
Ahmed Sylla
Ernest (adult)
Ernest (adult)
Sidy Fofana
Jean (age 10)
Jean (age 10)
Milan Doucansi
Ernest (age 5)
Ernest (age 5)
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Also known as:
- Mor og sønn
- Mother and Son
- The Little Brother