XVIII century. Moldova under Turkish yoke. The local nobility collaborates with the enslavers. Throughout the district in Moldova, the fame of a detachment of haiduks under the leadership of Gruya thundered, instilling fear in the lords and boyars. But Gruya was killed. Imagine the surprise of the authorities when they learned that a new Gruya had appeared and was preparing revenge.

Directed by: Vlad Iovitse
Written by: Vlad Iovitse & Nikolai Yesynenku
Release date: 1981-05-25
Runtime: 84 minutes
Svetlana Toma Svetlana Toma
Les Serdyuk Les Serdyuk
Vytautas Tomkus Vytautas Tomkus
Petru Baracci Petru Baracci
Nikolai Dariye Nikolai Dariye
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Also known as:
  • At the Devil's Lair
  • An der Teufelshöhle
  • Czarcie legowisko
  • Ördögbarlang