Suspecting that the cecassion of the tides may indicate an impending earthquake, Seismologist Alice arrives in her hometown of Baie-Comeau, Quebec to commence her investigation. Soon confronted by numerous figures from her past, the unusual weather and inexplicable behavior of the citizens lead Alice to believe that something beyond her comprehension is occurring to her old hometown...

Directed by: Manon Briand
Written by: Manon Briand
Release date: 2002-08-22
Runtime: 115 minutes
Geneviève Bujold Geneviève Bujold
Colette Lasalle 
Gabriel Arcand Gabriel Arcand
Pascale Bussières Pascale Bussières
Alice Bradley 
Julie Gayet Julie Gayet
Catherine Rolland 
Hiro Kanagawa Hiro Kanagawa
Pierre Lebeau Pierre Lebeau
Le pathologiste 
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Also known as:
  • Chaos and Desire