The movie follows Joe, a heroin addict, throughout his quest to score more drugs. The episodic plot occurs over a single day and centers on Joe's problematic relationship with his on-off, sexually frustrated girlfriend. During the course of the day, Joe overdoses in front of an upper-class couple, attempts to fool Welfare into approving his methadone treatment by having Holly fake a pregnancy, and frustrates the women in his life with his drug-induced impotence.
Directed by: | Paul Morrissey |
Written by: | Paul Morrissey |
Release date: | 1970-10-05 |
Runtime: | 110 minutes |
Critics score: |
Related titles: |
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Joe Smith
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Geri Miller
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Geri, the go-go dancer
Andrea Feldman
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Blu-rays, DVDs & more eBay affliate link Art of the Movies Buy posters on We may receive a small commission if you buy via on of these links.
Also known as:
- Andy Warhol's Trash