This impressionistic portrait of the 1964 Tokyo Summer Olympics pays as much attention to the crowds and workers as it does to the actual competitive events. Highlights include an epic pole-vaulting match between West Germany and America, and the final marathon race through Tokyo's streets. Two athletes are highlighted: Ethiopian marathon runner Abebe Bikila, who receives his second gold medal, and runner Ahamed Isa from Chad, representing a country younger than he is.

Directed by: Kon Ichikawa
Written by: Kon Ichikawa & Natto Wada & Yoshio Shirasaka & Shuntaro Tanikawa
Runtime: 170 minutes
Critics score:
Abebe Bikila Abebe Bikila
Ahmed Issa Ahmed Issa
Yoshinori Sakai Yoshinori Sakai
Joe Frazier Joe Frazier
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Also known as:
  • Tokyo Olympiad
  • Tokyo 1964
  • Las olimpiadas de Tokio
  • Olimpíadas de Tóquio
  • I Olympias tou Tokyo
  • Seido no kando
  • 東京オリンピック
  • XVIII. Olympische Sommerspiele Tokio 1964
  • टोक्यो ओलंपियाड