Three distinct tales unfold in the bustling city of Tokyo. Merde, a bizarre sewer-dweller, emerges from a manhole and begins terrorizing pedestrians. After his arrest, he stands trial and lashes out at a hostile courtroom. A man who has resigned himself to a life of solitude reconsiders after meeting a charming pizza delivery woman. And finally, a happy young couple find themselves undergoing a series of frightening metamorphoses.
Directed by: | Michel Gondry & Bong Joon-ho & Leos Carax |
Written by: | Michel Gondry & Bong Joon-ho & Leos Carax |
Release date: | 2008-08-16 |
Runtime: | 112 minutes |
Critics score: |
Tagline: | Three tall tales. one big city. |
Ayako Fujitani
Hiroko (segment "Interior Design")
Hiroko (segment "Interior Design")
Ryo Kase
Akira (segment "Interior Design")
Akira (segment "Interior Design")
Ayumi Ito
Akemi (segment "Interior Design")
Akemi (segment "Interior Design")
Nao Ômori
Hiroshi (segment "Interior Design")
Hiroshi (segment "Interior Design")
Satoshi Tsumabuki
Takeshi (segment "Interior Design")
Takeshi (segment "Interior Design")
Car Pound Attendant (segment "Interior Design")
Car Pound Attendant (segment "Interior Design")
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Blu-rays, DVDs & more eBay affliate link Art of the Movies Buy posters on We may receive a small commission if you buy via on of these links.
Also known as:
- Tokyo Anthology Film