Critics score:
97 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

Renata Adler, New York Times: Certainly the best musical in some time. Read more

Jonathan Rosenbaum, Chicago Reader: My favorite musical. Read more

Stephanie Zacharek, Even in the midst of all those cheerful French blues and cherry reds, Demy has shown us his characters' longing so vividly that it can never quite be erased. Read more

Octavio Roca, San Francisco Chronicle: Here is romantic intrigue served up with a knowing lack of shame, a musical boasting star power of the highest magnitude that satirizes the conventions of the movie musical with affection and wicked glee. Read more

Tom Milne, Time Out: Jolliest of the Demy-Michel Legrand operettas. Read more

David Jenkins, Time Out: A luminous musical about dreams, romance and destiny which lovingly reworks the classic Hollywood 'putting on a show' template into an essay on the emotional rollercoaster ride that is movie-going. Read more

Keith Uhlich, Time Out: Despite the consistently sprightly surface, there's a somber undercurrent that lingers even when love triumphs and the music swells. Read more

Variety Staff, Variety: It has charm, sustained human observation, mixed with catchy music, dances and songs to come up as a tuner with grace and dynamism. Read more

Melissa Anderson, Village Voice: A euphoric swirl of sherbet colors, Jacques Demy's Hollywood-musical homage The Young Girls of Rochefort (1967) elevates even the most mundane actions to the spectacular ... Read more

Amy Taubin, Village Voice: Deneuve and Dorleac are stylish, smart, and spirited, and their awkwardness as dancers makes them even more winning. Read more