The story centers on a group of gossipy, high-society women who spend their days at the beauty salon and haunting fashion shows. The sweet, happily-wedded Mary Haines finds her marriage in trouble when shop girl Crystal Allen gets her hooks into Mary's man.
Directed by: | Diane English |
Written by: | Diane English |
Release date: | 2008-09-12 |
Runtime: | 114 minutes |
Critics score: |
Meg Ryan
Mary Haines
Mary Haines
Annette Bening
Sylvie Fowler
Sylvie Fowler
Eva Mendes
Crystal Allen
Crystal Allen
Debra Messing
Edie Cohen
Edie Cohen
Jada Pinkett Smith
Alex Fisher
Alex Fisher
Candice Bergen
Catherine Frazier
Catherine Frazier
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