Based upon Wilkie Collins Victorian mystery, the gothic tale tells of a pair of half sisters whose lives end up caught in a grand conspiracy revolving around a mentally ill woman dressed in white. As the story unfolds, murder, love, marriage, and greed stand between the two women and happy lives. Their only hope is the secret the woman in white waits to tell them.
Directed by: | Tim Fywell |
Written by: | David Pirie |
Release date: | 1997-01-01 |
Runtime: | 125 minutes |
Tagline: | Not all villans wear black |
Tara Fitzgerald
Marian Fairlie
Marian Fairlie
Justine Waddell
Laura Fairlie
Laura Fairlie
Andrew Lincoln
Walter Hartright
Walter Hartright
Susan Vidler
Anne Catherick
Anne Catherick
John Standing
Mr. Gilmore
Mr. Gilmore
Adie Allen
Margaret Porcher
Margaret Porcher
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