Critics score:
28 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

Wesley Morris, Grantland: The Wedding Ringer feels spat out for people who love Katherine Heigl movies but wish that Eddie Murphy were in her role instead. Read more

Sara Stewart, New York Post: Hart is such a skilled comic - his lightning-fast riffs are almost always funny, even when they're in the midst of hateful dreck like this - that I can't believe he can't talk his way into better material. Read more

Justin Chang, Variety: For all [its] assets, "The Wedding Ringer" ultimately flattens out in all-too-familiar ways ... Read more

A.A. Dowd, AV Club: Not since Wild Hogs, perhaps, has a comedy so repeatedly insisted that there's nothing funnier than the thought of two men touching each other. Read more

Ben Sachs, Chicago Reader: Screenwriters Jeremy Garelick and Jay Lavender don't even try to make the premise seem plausible; rather, they use it as a springboard for screwball complications and verbal humor. Read more

Adam Graham, Detroit News: Hart is laser-focused and in-the-moment, and is consistently better than everything around him. He and Gad have the makings of a Will Smith and Kevin James in "Hitch" thing going on, but the script doesn't allow them to explore that dynamic. Read more

Jason Clark, Entertainment Weekly: Unless your idea of the ultimate screen comedy is to witness how many different ways a fat guy can fall down in one film, you're probably better off breaking off this engagement. Read more

Jon Frosch, Hollywood Reporter: The whiff of stale leftovers ... hangs over the movie from start to finish. Read more

Betsy Sharkey, Los Angeles Times: Too often the filmmakers go for cheap shots. Read more

Rafer Guzman, Newsday: What saves the film are its two leads, who aren't afraid to show their sensitive sides -- along with other parts of themselves. Read more

Stephen Whitty, Newark Star-Ledger: This isn't something anyone really needs to buy. It's OK, it'll do but - like Hart's character - it's strictly a rental. Read more

Joe Neumaier, New York Daily News: By the time Jeremy Garelick's movie gets to the altar, it does hit a groove. But by then, the humor feels like stale champagne. Read more

Nicolas Rapold, New York Times: The director Jeremy Garelick, who wrote the script with Jay Lavender, takes the shortest route whenever possible, which usually means a gratuitous insult. Read more

Tirdad Derakhshani, Philadelphia Inquirer: I almost passed out, hyperventilating after uncontrollable bursts of hyena laughs. It took a full evening's rest for the ache to dissipate from the belly. Read more

James Berardinelli, ReelViews: The Wedding Ringer is imperfect but its imperfections are tolerable because they're accompanied by a dollop of drama, a measure of laughter, and an oversized helping of Kevin Hart. Read more

Christy Lemire, If you're at the multiplex in the middle of the afternoon, and "The Wedding Ringer" is the only movie playing at a time that's convenient, you won't be completely miserable. This is not exactly a ringing endorsement, I realize. Read more

Michael Ordona, San Francisco Chronicle: Whether gleefully treading where fools rush in or subjecting characters to surprising harm for laughs, the thing is funny; at times very funny. Read more

Kiva Reardon, Globe and Mail: Love hurts, but Jeremy Garelick's The Wedding Ringer is truly painful. Read more

Linda Barnard, Toronto Star: Squeezes out some weak laughs amid alternating scenes of gross behaviour and sickly sweet male bonding confessionals. Read more

Alonso Duralde, TheWrap: Sets you up to expect a comedy that's homophobic but not misogynistic; that it delivers the opposite counts as a surprise, albeit not an entirely satisfying one. Read more

Tom Huddleston, Time Out: The plot's old, the title's borrowed and the jokes are blue - but there's nothing remotely new in this wearying bromantic comedy. Read more

Jim Slotek, Toronto Sun: The Wedding Ringer is a soft-hearted bromance, albeit one dotted with moments of surprisingly out-there bad taste. Read more

Alan Scherstuhl, Village Voice: Hart rants, Gad fidgets, and together this pair barrels through the plot, shaping between them a surprisingly potent friendship. Read more

Bilge Ebiri, New York Magazine/Vulture: A mostly disposable, occasionally quite funny bromance distinguished at times by its earnestness. Read more