This controversial work, created and performed by Eve Ensler, debuted off-off-Broadway in 1996 and soon rode a wave of national acclaim. Now, the intimacy of Ensler's original show has been lovingly brought to the screen. Capturing her unique performance, the film also follows Ensler as she explores the creative impetus behind the monologues and conducts a series of new interviews as inspiring as those that brought about the original work
Directed by: | Joe Mantello & V, formerly Eve Ensler |
Written by: | V, formerly Eve Ensler |
Release date: | 2002-02-14 |
Runtime: | 76 minutes |
V, formerly Eve Ensler
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Blu-rays, DVDs & more eBay affliate link Art of the Movies Buy posters on We may receive a small commission if you buy via on of these links.
Also known as:
- Monólogos de la Vagina