Young Jinoo finds himself in a world where the toys are real living beings. However, not everything is peaceful here either. A dark force threatens the world of toys! Will Jinoo, together with Princess Sherbert, be able to face the powerful opponent?
Directed by: | Kyung Won Lim |
Written by: | Brian Swenlin |
Release date: | 2006-04-15 |
Runtime: | 76 minutes |
Mona Marshall
Jinoo (voice)
Jinoo (voice)
Julie Maddalena
Princess Sherbet (voice)
Princess Sherbet (voice)
Sandy Fox
Ping (voice)
Ping (voice)
Kirk Thornton
RJ (voice)
RJ (voice)
Richard Epcar
Dark Warrior (voice)
Dark Warrior (voice)
Bryce Papenbrook
Jason (voice)
Jason (voice)
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