Genial shopkeeper Philip has to endure the constant nagging of a shrewish wife while he secretly yearns for a pretty young stenographer. When the henpecking gets to be too much, Philip murders his wife and manages to make her death look like an accident. A ruthless blackmailer and a low-key detective both discover Philip's secret, and he has to decide which of them poses the more dangerous threat.

Directed by: Robert Siodmak
Written by: Bertram Millhauser
Runtime: 85 minutes
Tagline: His Was a Strange Secret, Hers Was a Strange Love
Charles Laughton Charles Laughton
Philip Marshall 
Ella Raines Ella Raines
Mary Gray 
Dean Harens Dean Harens
John Marshall 
Stanley Ridges Stanley Ridges
Inspector Huxley 
Henry Daniell Henry Daniell
Mr. Simmons 
Rosalind Ivan Rosalind Ivan
Cora Marshall 
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