The story revolves around the efforts of the middle-class family Fairweather, newly impoverished by the financial panic, to survive against the villainous banker Gideon Bloodgood.
Directed by: | Anthony Mann |
Runtime: | 60 minutes |
Jennifer Jones
Alida Bloodgood
Alida Bloodgood
George Coulouris
Gideon Bloodgood
Gideon Bloodgood
Norman Lloyd
Mark Livingstone
Mark Livingstone
Joyce Arling
Lucy Fairweather
Lucy Fairweather
Whitford Kane
Cpt. Fairweather
Cpt. Fairweather
Molly Pearson
Mrs. Fairweather
Mrs. Fairweather
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Blu-rays, DVDs & more eBay affliate link Art of the Movies Buy posters on We may receive a small commission if you buy via on of these links.
Also known as:
- Les pauvres de New York
- Poverty is no Crime