A gripping 18th century drama details the scandalous life of Lady Seymour Worsley, who dared to leave her husband and elope with his best friend, Captain George Bisset. Lady Seymour Worsley escapes her troubled marriage only to find herself at the centre of a very public trial brought by her powerful husband Sir Richard Worsley.
Directed by: | Sheree Folkson |
Written by: | David Eldridge & Hallie Rubenhold |
Release date: | 2015-08-17 |
Runtime: | 90 minutes |
Natalie Dormer
Lady Seymour Worsley
Lady Seymour Worsley
David Calder
Lord Chief Justice Mansfield
Lord Chief Justice Mansfield
Richard McCabe
Lord North
Lord North
Craig Parkinson
Mr Wallace, QC
Mr Wallace, QC
Shaun Evans
Sir Richard Worsley
Sir Richard Worsley
Peter Sullivan
Mr. James Farrar
Mr. James Farrar
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