In a suburban landscape, the lives of several families interlace with loss, despair and personal crisis. Esther Gold has lost focus on all but caring for her comatose son, Paul, and neglects her daughter and husband. Lawyer Jim Train is devoted to his career, not his family. Helen Christianson wants to find a new spark in life, while Annette Jennings tries to rebuild hers.
Directed by: | Rose Troche |
Written by: | Rose Troche |
Release date: | 2002-10-25 |
Runtime: | 121 minutes |
Tagline: | What do you hold on to when your world turns upside down? |
Glenn Close
Esther Gold
Esther Gold
Dermot Mulroney
Jim Train
Jim Train
Jessica Campbell
Julie Gold
Julie Gold
Patricia Clarkson
Annette Jennings
Annette Jennings
Joshua Jackson
Paul Gold
Paul Gold
Moira Kelly
Susan Train
Susan Train
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Blu-rays, DVDs & more eBay affliate link Art of the Movies Buy posters on We may receive a small commission if you buy via on of these links.
Also known as:
- Suburbia