In turn-of-the-century Mississippi, an 11-year-old boy comes of age as two mischievous adult friends talk him into sneaking the family car out for a trip to Memphis and a series of adventures.

Directed by: Mark Rydell
Written by: Irving Ravetch & Harriet Frank Jr.
Runtime: 106 minutes
Tagline: Boon is a reiver (that's a cheat, a liar, a brawler and womaniser) and he had just four days to teach young Lucius the facts of life (like cheating, lying, brawling and womanizing).
Steve McQueen Steve McQueen
Boon Hogganbeck 
Burgess Meredith Burgess Meredith
Lucius / Narrator (voice) 
Will Geer Will Geer
Diane Ladd Diane Ladd
Roy Barcroft Roy Barcroft
Ed (The Judge) 
Billy Green Bush Billy Green Bush
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