Critics score:
29 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

Justin Chang, Variety: Nowhere near as rigorous as the "Paranormal Activity" movies it superficially resembles, writer-director David Jung's increasingly unpleasant, rarely frightening debut feature won't possess screens for long. Read more

Jesse Hassenger, AV Club: After an efficient start, The Possession Of Michael King drags, weighing itself down with genre conventions the filmmakers don't seem to understand or care about. Read more

Bill Goodykoontz, Arizona Republic: "The Possession of Michael King" is more scary than original. Read more

Martin Tsai, Los Angeles Times: Why would a possessed Michael continue to operate the camera or even turn on night vision? You simply can't capitalize on a filmmaking fad by shortchanging the audience. Read more

Jeannette Catsoulis, New York Times: Dim in wits and lighting, "The Possession of Michael King" strains our eyes, spits on our intelligence and saps our generosity of spirit. Read more

Rob Staeger, Village Voice: It's a testament to director David Jung's smart script and Shane Johnson's performance that Michael King's decisions seem largely free of horror-movie logic - the stubborn refusal to acknowledge danger, an insistence on going it alone. Read more