Critics score:
91 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

Kyle Smith, New York Post: Noam Chomsky has denounced Zizek's theories as nonsensical, and of course they are. But they're frequently engaging, entertaining and stimulating. Read more

Ty Burr, Boston Globe: Who says intellectual head-trips don't deserve sequels? Read more

J. R. Jones, Chicago Reader: Though [Zizek's] lecture exceeds two hours, he and director Sophie Fiennes incorporate enough deadpan comedy and clips from famous films to sustain the rhetoric. Read more

Nicolas Rapold, New York Times: He speaks the truth much of the time, yet all the whipping back of the curtain ends up covering up other realities about movies and life. Read more

Guy Lodge, Time Out: It's exhilarating, even exhausting stuff, though Fiennes lightens the weight of iek's dense discourse with a welcome scattering of sight gags. Read more

Zachary Wigon, Village Voice: In essence, the film is a lecture, but Zizek's associative thinking and understanding of the applicability of psychoanalysis makes it a lecture like no other. Read more