The story revolves around three soldiers — Colee, T.K. and Cheaver — who return from the Iraq War after suffering injuries and learn that life has moved on without them. They end up on an unexpected road trip across the U.S.
Directed by: | Neil Burger |
Written by: | Neil Burger & Dirk Wittenborn |
Release date: | 2008-09-26 |
Runtime: | 113 minutes |
Critics score: |
Rachel McAdams
Colee Dunn
Colee Dunn
Tim Robbins
Fred Cheaver
Fred Cheaver
John Heard
Annie Corley
Jeanie Klinger
Jeanie Klinger
John Diehl
Tom Klinger
Tom Klinger
Molly Hagan
Pat Cheaver
Pat Cheaver
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