Critics score:
100 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

Mordaunt Hall, New York Times: It is hardly necessary to dwell upon the performances of the cast beyond saying that they all rise to the demands of their parts. As for the settings, they seem very real, and the direction and acting of the uniformed police force are unusually good. Read more

Dave Kehr, Chicago Reader: James Whale's 1933 film plays more like a British folk comedy than a horror movie; it's full of the same deft character twists that made his Bride of Frankenstein a classic. Read more

Bob Graham, San Francisco Chronicle: The many special effects -- some retouched on film by hand -- are quaint by today's digital standards, but that only makes them all the more fun. Read more

TIME Magazine: In his first cinema role, which must have been easy for him to play since it amounts to very little more than an offstage noise, Claude Rains gives an alarming performance, almost as frightening when he is present as when he is not. Read more

Geoff Andrew, Time Out: Rains, with his clear, sensitively inflected voice, was lucky: it made him a star. Read more

Variety Staff, Variety: The strangest character yet created by the screen [from the novel by H.G. Wells] roams through The Invisible Man. Read more