Critics score:
65 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

Christy Lemire, Director Paul Feig, whose Bridesmaids upended notions of what a raunchy ensemble comedy could be, does it again here with another genre. Read more

Ty Burr, Boston Globe: If you're going to make a dopey, bawdy, foul-mouthed, predictable lady-buddy-cop movie, you might as well make it funny. Read more

Kate Erbland, MSN Movies: ... a rapid-fire script and the inspired pairing of Bullock and McCarthy make 'The Heat' one of the funniest films of the year so far. Read more

A.O. Scott, New York Times: The volatile chemistry between Ms. McCarthy and Ms. Bullock is something to behold, and carries "The Heat" through its lazy conception and slapdash execution. Read more

Joe Morgenstern, Wall Street Journal: One wonders ... what the future holds for Ms. McCarthy's career if every new film is going to exploit her more shamelessly than the previous one. Read more

Claudia Puig, USA Today: The Heat is the best female buddy-cop movie since, well, ever. Read more

Moira MacDonald, Seattle Times: There's a discussion to be had about why this is the only major movie this summer with two women in the lead roles - but it's hard to have a serious discussion when you're laughing. Read more

Peter Debruge, Variety: "The Heat" has been engineered to deliver the laughs, and the result certainly does, despite coming alarmingly near to botching the procedural elements along the way. Read more

Ben Kenigsberg, AV Club: An unevenly matched buddy-cop comedy that amounts to a feature-length showcase for Melissa McCarthy riffing. Read more

Barbara VanDenburgh, Arizona Republic: It's disappointing that "The Heat" doesn't do more than take an established film template - in this case, the buddy-cop flick - throw in a Tarantino-size helping of F-bombs, cast a couple of women and call it a day. Read more

Michael Phillips, Chicago Tribune: With so few women afforded the opportunity to steer the course of a movie - any movie, on screen or off - even a formulaic vehicle such as "The Heat" arrives as a surprise and a relief. Read more

Peter Rainer, Christian Science Monitor: It's not really such a great achievement to have women cops in the movies acting as boorish and rowdy as their male counterparts. Read more

Lisa Kennedy, Denver Post: Laughter can be magical. It can also be crass. In the formidable person of Melissa McCarthy it is typically both. And no director seems to know what to do with that tension quite like Paul Feig. Read more

Tom Long, Detroit News: Bullock has played this role so many times you wonder why she's bothering. And while McCarthy can be brilliant in small doses, her foul-mouthed tough gal bit wears thin quickly. Read more

Owen Gleiberman, Entertainment Weekly: The Heat is fresher than a lot of the male-centric movies it takes off from, because there's little about aggressive guy banter that hasn't been worn to the ground by Hollywood. Read more

Laremy Legel, Employs any and all means necessary to get at least a chuckle out of most scenes in the nearly two-hour running time. Read more

Wesley Morris, Grantland: McCarthy's an actress who needs a foil, and for now Bullock is more than good enough. I just wish these two had found each other 10 years ago. Read more

Todd McCarthy, Hollywood Reporter: A crude, low-brow audience-pleaser that will hit the funny bones of both performers' fan bases ... Read more

Betsy Sharkey, Los Angeles Times: Bullock specializes in awkward and uptight, McCarthy in aggressive and unfiltered. "The Heat" makes the most of those differences. Read more

Rafer Guzman, Newsday: McCarthy owns this movie, but nearly everyone in it is hilarious. Read more

Richard Brody, New Yorker: The many formulas never mesh, and some formidable actors stumble trying to keep pace with its out-of-synch meters. Read more

Stephen Whitty, Newark Star-Ledger: [Feig] clearly enjoys the spectacle of women behaving badly, and gives his stars - and particularly McCarthy - plenty of room and improv time to knock back shots, bust a move and beat up men until they squeal like little girls. Read more

Joel Arnold, NPR: The Heat come, they conquer, and they leave you laughing. Read more

Elizabeth Weitzman, New York Daily News: "The Heat" would be a fairly ordinary entry in the female buddy cop genre except ... there is no genre yet. Happily, Melissa McCarthy may single-handedly change that. Read more

Lou Lumenick, New York Post: Bullock can do a double-takes better than any actress working today, and boy, does force-of-nature McCarthy give her plenty to work with. Read more

Michael Sragow, Orange County Register: It's a slob comedy that goes with crippling speed from smart to dumb and then from dumber to dumbest. Read more

Peter Travers, Rolling Stone: There are only two reasons to see The Heat. But they are formidable reasons, and they go by the names of Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy. Read more

Andrew O'Hehir, There's an edgy but rewarding chemistry between Bullock and McCarthy that makes me wish they were attached to a less foul-tasting premise. Read more

Mick LaSalle, San Francisco Chronicle: "The Heat" is a good movie and a successful action comedy, and it arrives just in time for Melissa McCarthy... (it) is something of a formula comedy, but it's inspired, too - and the inspiration is in the combining of these two actresses. Read more

Kristin Tillotson, Minneapolis Star Tribune: From the moment she barrels onto the scene like a cannonball of crudity, McCarthy makes it clear that this movie is hers to make or break. And she knocks it right out of Fenway Park ... Read more

Joe Williams, St. Louis Post-Dispatch: It's a buddy-cop comedy that deserves to share a locker room with "The Other Guys" and "21 Jump Street." Read more

Rick Groen, Globe and Mail: If this were funny, The Heat would add up to your average buddy-cop comedy. Except that it's not funny, at least not very and not often. Read more

Peter Howell, Toronto Star: The cookie-cutter plot might have worked if the jokes were good. Read more

Alonso Duralde, TheWrap: There probably won't be a funnier movie this year that features female bonding, drunken dancing, grenade launchers and a seriously botched emergency tracheotomy. Read more

Cath Clarke, Time Out: If you've never seen the point of Sandra Bullock, watch this. Read more

Keith Uhlich, Time Out: [The stars] deserve a much stronger showcase than this Laurel & Hardy Go Policin' vehicle. Read more

Stephanie Zacharek, Village Voice: If you've never seen Sandra Bullock blow a peanut shell out of her nose, and you'd like to, The Heat is your movie. Read more

Bilge Ebiri, New York Magazine/Vulture: The Heat is kind of a mess, but it's a funny mess. Read more

Ann Hornaday, Washington Post: Give these ladies a genuinely smart, funny script -- and give McCarthy more to play than what has become a tiresome tomboy shtick -- and there's no telling what liberated heights they can reach. Read more