The story of the conception of a new British weapon for smashing the German dams in the Ruhr industrial complex and the execution of the raid by 617 Squadron 'The Dam Busters'.

Directed by: Michael Anderson
Written by: R.C. Sherriff
Runtime: 124 minutes
Critics score:
Richard Todd Richard Todd
Wing Commander Guy Gibson, V.C., D.S.O., D.F.C. 
Michael Redgrave Michael Redgrave
Doctor B. N. Wallis, C.B.E., F.R.S. 
Ursula Jeans Ursula Jeans
Mrs. Wallis 
Basil Sydney Basil Sydney
Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur Harris G.C.B., O.B.E., A.F.C. 
Patrick Barr Patrick Barr
Captain Joseph (Mutt) Summers, C.B.E. 
Ernest Clark Ernest Clark
Air Vice-Marshal The Hon. Ralph Cochrane G.B.E., K.C.B., A.F.C. 
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Also known as:
  • Nocny nalot
  • The Dam Busters - Die Zerstörung der Talsperren
  • Los Destructores de Diques