In a marvelously animated version of one of the most beloved of all Dr. Seuss tales, two youngsters find themselves at home with nothing to do on a rainy afternoon. But when the magical, mischievous Cat in the Hat arrives on the scene, they're all cat-apulted into a day of rousing, romping, outlandish antics they - and you - will never forget!
Directed by: | Hawley Pratt |
Written by: | Dr. Seuss |
Release date: | 1971-07-04 |
Runtime: | 25 minutes |
Tagline: | Everyone Loves This World Famous Cat Who Pulls Magic And Music Right Out Of His Hat! |
Allan Sherman
The Cat in the Hat (voice)
The Cat in the Hat (voice)
Daws Butler
Mr. Krinklebein the Fish (voice)
Mr. Krinklebein the Fish (voice)
Pamelyn Ferdin
Sally (voice)
Sally (voice)
Tony Frazier
Boy (voice)
Boy (voice)
Gloria Camacho
Mother (voice)
Mother (voice)
Thurl Ravenscroft
Thing 1 (voice)
Thing 1 (voice)
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Blu-rays, DVDs & more eBay affliate link Art of the Movies Buy posters on We may receive a small commission if you buy via on of these links.
Also known as:
- Dr. Seuss' The Cat In The Hat