Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes
Lucy Barber, Boston Globe: These waters are gory and sexually suggestive, and they overfloweth with unoriginality. Read more
Robert Abele, Los Angeles Times: There's relief in this type of poorly acted claptrap's adherence to movie mathematics, since each slain character is a sign that the movie is that much closer to a credit roll. Read more
Stephen Whitty, Newark Star-Ledger: Give the movie a little credit for coming up with the idea of an ancient monster. And the design of the game is terrific. But this is just Jumanji with gore effects and topless scenes. Read more
Joshua Rothkopf, Time Out: Watching people play a board game ain't ever going to be scary, and that's essentially what we have here -- after a laughably amateurish intro set in the 1920s, when the dice and cards are unearthed (in Turkey). Read more
Dennis Harvey, Variety: Pacing remains flat, exacerbated by bad dialogue, some subpar f/x and variable perfs. Read more
Chuck Wilson, Village Voice: Bloody and gory, but in a friendly way, this is a movie for old-school horror fans who understand that, sometimes, bad is good. Read more