Critics score:
19 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

Stephen Holden, New York Times: I have a mental picture of the film's creators, stoned out of their minds on who knows what, cackling crazily as they outline a movie that would have more appropriately been titled "The Big Goof." Read more

Nick Schager, Time Out: Krantz has a penchant for stylization that quickly slides into a velvet-painting cheesiness, which-along with the script's pseudoprofound Philosophy 101 maxims-renders the atmosphere less noirish than ridiculously cartoonish. Read more

Peter Rainer, Christian Science Monitor: Where else can you see a movie where a sexy waitress says, "Reality is just a wave function"? Read more

Kirk Honeycutt, Hollywood Reporter: A big disappointment for fans of Antonio Banderas and film noir. Read more

Sheri Linden, Los Angeles Times: Even with Antonio Banderas leading a cast of familiar faces, the movie never rises above a style-over-substance exercise. Read more

Elizabeth Weitzman, New York Daily News: Is Antonio Banderas's career really such a big bust? On the one hand, it's a shame to see a talented guy slumming in this budget-bin thriller. On the other, it'd be entirely unwatchable without him. Read more

Kyle Smith, New York Post: For a noir, the film is way too talky and convoluted, yet for a physics lesson, it's trash. Read more

Rex Reed, New York Observer: You go away wondering out loud (with merit) how and where they find the money to make any movie as brain-damaged, inept, unsupervised and moronic as The Big Bang. Read more

Andrew Barker, Variety: The Big Bang is a borderline unintelligible, scattershot attempt at Lynchian neo-noir that takes intellectual and aesthetic risks it has no reasonable hope of pulling off. Read more

Michelle Orange, Village Voice: The film's bleary, neon glamour and penchant for the bizarre suggests an attempted -- and wayward -- homage to David Lynch. Read more