Six years ago Jack "The Ripper" Stemmons, an American boxer had his career destroyed by a St. Louis bookie. After Jack seeks revenge he is forced into hiding. Jack disappears half way around the world in Thailand. There he falls victim to the addictive spell of Bangkok's exotic and dangerous underworld. Eventually he finds solace in the arms of a beautiful prostitute who has been set in his path by a Russian gangster in order to get Jack back in the ring, This time in Bangkok's notorious underground fight clubs. No matter how hard Jack tries to distance himself from his past, it always hunts him down like a Bad Penny. When a mysterious fight fan appears, it's only a matter of time before Jack's past, present and future accelerate and collide into a twisted climax.

Directed by: Todd Bellanca
Written by: Todd Bellanca & Sasha Levinson
Release date: 2010-04-09
Runtime: 89 minutes
Tom Arnold Tom Arnold
Bai Ling Bai Ling
Lara Phillips Lara Phillips
Lisa Stemmons 
Josh Randall Josh Randall
Jack Sr. 
Nick Faltas Nick Faltas
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Also known as:
  • Knockdown - Never Lost a Fight
  • Bangkok Bound
  • Knockdown
  • Knockdown (Bangkok)