Critics score:
8 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

Mick LaSalle, San Francisco Chronicle: The big disappointment of "The Babymakers" is that it doesn't come close to being worthy of its two stars, Paul Schneider and Olivia Munn. Read more

Glenn Kenny, MSN Movies: ...this is one of the most technically inept movies I've seen in quite some time... Read more

Neil Genzlinger, New York Times: Delivered with sloppy, gleeful confidence, the movie is smarter than most gross-out comedies but isn't afraid to inspire an "Ewww." Read more

Scott Tobias, AV Club: It's raunchy/sweet in the American Pie/40-Year-Old Virgin tradition, and as dynamic as a glob of lazy sperm. Read more

Barbara VanDenburgh, Arizona Republic: Even those with the lowest enjoyment threshold for knuckle-dragging comedies will be hard-pressed to find joy in this impotent misfire from director Jay Chandrasekhar. Read more

Tom Russo, Boston Globe: Ah, infertility comedies - always such a good time. You remember the way you yukked it up at "Maybe Baby" and "A Smile Like Yours," don't you? Oh, wait, you don't? Exactly. Read more

Owen Gleiberman, Entertainment Weekly: Munn, sexy and spirited, plays Audrey as a woman without much patience for arrested-male shenanigans. You may end up feeling the same way. Read more

Laremy Legel, "The Babymakers" is amazing in its complete lack of comedy, nearly satirical in its rejection of levity and full-on embrace of mediocrity. Read more

John DeFore, Hollywood Reporter: Viewers may suspect the filmmakers have no clue about the actual operation of fertility clinics and sperm banks (the plot depends on some pretty dubious practices, particularly involving donor anonymity), but most will be laughing too hard to care. Read more

Mark Olsen, Los Angeles Times: When a movie resorts to scenes of a grown man rolling around on a floor slick with spilled semen samples, something plainly has gone wrong. Read more

Elizabeth Weitzman, New York Daily News: How does a comedy troupe even get from the frat-humor antics of "Beerfest" to the middle-class suburbanality of "Babymakers"? Read more

Sara Stewart, New York Post: Every so often a movie comes along that's so lame, you can almost make out a "What the hell am I doing here?" thought bubble over an actor's head. Read more

James Berardinelli, ReelViews: The sole function served by this motion picture is to illustrate how not to frame jokes in movies. Read more

Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times: Although I am aware sperm is a precious bodily fluid, I don't find it an especially funny one, and when a character spills half of the deposits in a sperm bank and then slips around on the floor like a clown on ice, I'm not laughing. Read more

San Francisco Chronicle: Read more

Jake Coyle, Associated Press: An increasingly incredulously plotted series of embarrassments about the wounded masculinity of a low sperm count. Read more

Alonso Duralde, TheWrap: The only moments where The Babymakers provides any kind of comic lift come when talented improvisers like Faxon, Heffernan, Chandrasekhar and Aisha Tyler clearly go off-book and noodle their way into something that's actually amusing. Read more

Alison Willmore, Time Out: Munn has proved on TV that she has solid timing, but she does little here other than look pretty and, when the plot calls for it, outraged. Read more

Joe Leydon, Variety: Yet another attempt to mix raunchy excess and romantic-comedy sweetness in an anything-goes raucous farce, The Babymakers offers a few big laughs between ho-hum stretches of frenetic vamping. Read more

Melissa Anderson, Village Voice: Its 95 minutes feel like a trimester... Read more