An ex-major forces a scientist to develop a invisibility formula, with which he plans to create an invisible army and sell it to the highest bidder. However there are side effects to the formula.

Directed by: Edgar G. Ulmer
Written by: Jack Lewis
Runtime: 57 minutes
Critics score:
Tagline: Invisible and Deadly!
Marguerite Chapman Marguerite Chapman
Laura Matson 
Douglas Kennedy Douglas Kennedy
Joey Faust 
James Griffith James Griffith
Major Paul Krenner 
Ivan Triesault Ivan Triesault
Dr. Peter Ulof 
Cormel Daniel Cormel Daniel
Maria Ulof 
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Also known as:
  • El increĆ­ble hombre transparente
  • L'incroyable homme invisible
  • Zdumiewajaco przezroczysty czlowiek
  • Search for a Shadow