This mockumentary about fictional movie studio Adequate Pictures boasts an interesting cast. Tony Randall hosts, and James CoCo (practically on his deathbed) stars as head of the studio. Includes parodies of everything from silent comedies to porn, including an ultra violent "three stooges" style comedy team who put a new spin on the eye poking gag.

Directed by: Harry Hurwitz
Written by: Harry Hurwitz
Release date: 1989-01-20
Runtime: 82 minutes
Tagline: No money! No class! No shame!
Robert Downey Jr. Robert Downey Jr.
Albert Einstein 
Bruce Willis Bruce Willis
Ben Stiller Ben Stiller
Chip Lane 
Robert Vaughn Robert Vaughn
Adolf Hitler 
Sinbad Sinbad
Standup Comic 
Jerry Stiller Jerry Stiller
Sid Lane 
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  • I o to chodzi